Using Data
This tutorial will go over the basics of building a simple web map to display some data using Mappa, p5.js and Leaflet. This picks up from the previous Simple Map Tutorial.
In order to run this tutorial you will need a local server.
There are many different ways to create a local server. Here are some:
If you use node and npm you can install live-server
npm install -g live-server
And then run from the root:
If you use python 2:
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
In python 3
python3 -m http.server
Simple Map
Picking up from the previous tutorial, you can use this code to display a simple map:
let myMap;
let canvas;
const mappa = new Mappa('Leaflet');
const options = {
lat: 0,
lng: 0,
zoom: 4,
style: "http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png"
function setup(){
canvas = createCanvas(640,640);
myMap = mappa.tileMap(options);
fill(200, 100, 100);
// Only redraw the point when the map changes and not every frame.
function draw(){
function drawPoint(){
const nigeria = myMap.latLngToPixel(11.396396, 5.076543);
ellipse(nigeria.x, nigeria.y, 20, 20);
Move and zoom in/out:
Loading Data
You can easily load data set and visualize it using p5.js and mappa.
Download the file Meteorite_Landings.csv. This data contains the 5000 largest registered meteorite landings in the world. The data comes from NASA Open Data Portal.
The data is just a csv file containg the following points
name,id,nametype,recclass,mass (g),fall,year,reclat,reclong
Mbosi,15456,Valid,"Iron, ungrouped",16000000,Found,1/1/30 00:00,-9.11667,33.06667
Paragould,18101,Valid,LL5,408000,Fell,1/1/30 00:00,36.06667,-90.5
Bencubbin,5014,Valid,CBa,118000,Found,1/1/30 00:00,-30.75,117.78333
Uwharrie,24139,Valid,"Iron, IIIAB",72700,Found,1/1/30 00:00,35.51667,-79.96667
Landes,12457,Valid,"Iron, IAB-MG",69800,Found,1/1/30 00:00,38.9,-79.18333
Miami,16630,Valid,H5,57700,Found,1/1/30 00:00,35.66667,-100.6
For now, we are just interested in reclat
, reclong
and mass
Building from the previous code snippet, you can load and display data like this:
let myMap;
let canvas;
const mappa = new Mappa('Leaflet');
// Lets change the map tiles to something with more contrast
const options = {
lat: 0,
lng: 0,
zoom: 4,
style: "https://cartodb-basemaps-{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png"
function setup(){
canvas = createCanvas(640,640);
myMap = mappa.tileMap(options);
// Load the data
meteorites = loadTable('Meteorite_Landings.csv', 'csv', 'header');
// Only redraw the meteorites when the map change and not every frame.
fill(70, 203,31);
function draw(){
// Draw the meteorites
function drawMeteorites() {
// Clear the canvas
for (let i = 0; i < meteorites.getRowCount(); i++) {
// Get the lat/lng of each meteorite
const latitude = Number(meteorites.getString(i, 'reclat'));
const longitude = Number(meteorites.getString(i, 'reclong'));
// Only draw them if the position is inside the current map bounds. We use a
// Leaflet method to check if the lat and lng are contain inside the current
// map. This way we draw just what we are going to see and not everything. See
// getBounds() in
if ({lat: latitude, lng: longitude})) {
// Transform lat/lng to pixel position
const pos = myMap.latLngToPixel(latitude, longitude);
// Get the size of the meteorite and map it. 60000000 is the mass of the largest
// meteorite (
let size = meteorites.getString(i, 'mass (g)');
size = map(size, 558, 60000000, 1, 25) + myMap.zoom();
ellipse(pos.x, pos.y, size, size);